
Eine Welt im Umbruch: Digitale Revolution, Globalisierung, Turbo-Kapitalismus, Flucht, Ausgrenzung und Ausbeutung der Natur. Der Mensch ändert und gestaltet. Unter dem Einfluss dieser Umgestaltung ändern wir auch unser eigenes, individuelles Dasein.

Eine Aufgabe der Kunst ist es, diese Erschütterungen wie ein Seismograph aufzunehmen, zu interpretieren, zu transformieren und dem Betrachter zu spiegeln. Sie soll damit Denkprozesse anstoßen, Gefühle erzeugen, die uns nachdenken und in Frage stellen lassen.

Wo zeigen sich Veränderungen, vielleicht auch nur schwach und subtil? Welche Auswirkungen hat der menschliche Gestaltungswille auf unsere Existenz, unsere Gesellschaft und unsere Umwelt?

Diese Fragestellungen regen Stefan Klamt zu seinen künstlerischen Fotografien an. In seinen visuell klaren Bildern ergründet er sein persönliches Umfeld nach ebendiesen Veränderungen und zeigt, manchmal erst auf den zweiten Blick erkennbar, die Signale einer Welt im Umbruch.

Stefan Klamt wurde 1974 geboren und lebt in Hamburg.


A world in upheaval: digital revolution, globalisation, turbo-capitalism, flight, exclusion and exploitation of nature. Man is changing and shaping. Under the influence of this transformation we also change our own individual existence.

One of the tasks of art is to record these shocks like a seismograph, to interpret, transform and mirror them to the viewer. In this way, it should trigger thought processes, generate feelings that make us think and question.

Where do changes appear, perhaps only weakly and subtly? What effects does the human will to create have on our existence, our society and our environment?

These questions inspire Stefan Klamt to create his artistic photographs. In his visually clear pictures he explores his personal environment after these very changes and shows, sometimes only recognisable at second glance, the signals of a world in upheaval.

Stefan Klamt was born in 1974 and lives in Hamburg, Germany.


Stefan Klamt

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© Stefan Klamt
All photographs by Stefan Klamt. All rights reserved, no part of the photographs on this website may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photo copying or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner. All unauthorized copying will pe procecuted.


Instagram Feature by thisaintartschool / April 2023

Instagram Feature by broadmagazine / December 2021

Exhibition @ Saint Paul’s in Hamburg with pictures of the series “The poetry of the everyday.” from 13th of April until 12th of July 2021.

Feature of the book “Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen.” on Landscape Photo Books / July 2020

PEER Number 2 - 2020 / by Carl Corey and Cottage Industry / online magazine / available on Blurb

Instagram Feature by five.six.mag / April 2020

Landscape Photobooks Volume One - Looking at Landscape / 2020 by Andrew Wurster / Landscape Photobook Publishing

Nothing is Interesting and Everything is Normal / by Jeff Smudde, 2019 / online magazine / available on Blurb

PEER Number 1 - March, 2019 / by Carl Corey and Cottage Industry / online magazine / available on Blurb


Stefan Klamt




A world in transition: digital revolution, globalization, turbo-capitalism, flight, exclusion and exploitation of nature. Man changes and shapes. Under the influence of this transformation we change our own, individual existence.

One of the tasks of art is to set these things on a seismograph, to interpret, to transform and to reflect to the observers. Art should generate feelings that make us think and ask questions.

Where does change show, perhaps only weak and subtle? What impact does man made changes have on our existence, our society and our environment?

These questions stimulate Stefan Klamt to his artistic photographs. In his visual clear pictures, he explores his personal environment after these changes and shows, sometimes recognizable only at second glance, the signals of a world in upheaval.

Stefan Klamt was born in 1974 and lives in Hamburg, Germany.


© Stefan Klamt

All photographs by Stefan Klamt. All rights reserved, no part of the photographs on this website may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photo copying or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner. All unauthorized copying will pe procecuted.


Instagram Feature by thisaintartschool / April 2023

Instagram Feature by broadmagazine / December 2021

Exhibition @ Saint Paul’s in Hamburg with pictures of the series “The poetry of the everyday.” from 13th of April until 12th of July 2021.

Feature of the book “Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen.” on Landscape Photo Books / July 2020

PEER Number 2 - 2020 / by Carl Corey and Cottage Industry / online magazine / available on Blurb

Instagram Feature by five.six.mag / April 2020

Landscape Photobooks Volume One - Looking at Landscape / 2020 by Andrew Wurster / Landscape Photobook Publishing

Nothing is Interesting and Everything is Normal / by Jeff Smudde, 2019 / online magazine / available on Blurb

PEER Number 1 - March, 2019 / by Carl Corey and Cottage Industry / online magazine / available on Blurb

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